Monday, September 29, 2008

For goodness sake Daddy...

So this is acually very scary. My daughter has clearly been studying the best way to handle me by secretly watching my wife and the result is that I appear to have inherited a mini-version of the "trouble and strife".

Only last week, the mini one rolled her eyes at me and in an exasperated tone said "Come on Daddy" referring to something I was supposed to have done - in usual man fashion I had nodded but not computed and the task remained incomplete. I have also noticed the mini one glancing at the older one (notice my avoidance of the word "bigger") prior to reacting to anything I've just said. For example, if I attempt to offer advice to said child, she quickly glances at Mummy to see if the advice is acceptable and then either:

a) reacts in a positive way if Mummy's face looks happy or
b) starts crying and walks out the room if Mummy looks like she wants to throttle Daddy for interfering with the upbringing of our joint off-spring.

As the years pass I can see a situation where they both shout at me for not putting away my washing or wander around after me telling me to clear up after myself and that they are not slaves. Come to think of it, I better go home or they'll both be cross with me for staying too long at work...

1 comment:

Nic Brisbourne said...

My eldest (four as well) is exactly like this, doing her best to imitate mummy pushing my buttons and pulling my levers. It is actually quite funny as I think she half knows she is taking the p***