Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Someone once told me..

Someone once told me that I would find it "interesting" living in a house with two women.

"Pah" I said.

What did they know. Everything seemed fine to me until... 8yr daughter has started exhibiting signs of EXASPERATION with me! How has this happened? Well the answer it pretty obvious and I need look no further than the only other woman in my household - my esteemed wife.

I have to admit though that I exasperate even myself. For example last night I was asked to complete the simple task of picking up Ribena and milk from the shop. Simple you might think. Apparently not.

Incredibly I manage to pick up milk and totally forget Ribena, even though the time between request and purchase was no more than 5 minutes. So when I received a text message asking me where the Ribena was in the house - I was at an event - I could quite understand why the women of my household get frustrated.

And to top it off this morning my daughter said:

"Daddy, how on earth did you manage to forget the Ribena last night"

Fair point.

Just William

Well well.

My wonderful daughter has now filmed her first feature film. Can't wait to see it as all reports from her manager are that it is incredible.

She has spent the morning at a press launch for a new TV programme.

I would love to say she gets it from me but as I sit here working on my laptop I can't ignore the evidence against me...